Traum Homestead: Welcome to Traum Homestead

Welcome to Traum Homestead

Traum Homestead Family

At Traum Ranch, we’re guided by a profound belief in the principle that we reap what we sow. It’s a fundamental concept that we not only embrace but also instill in our children. Every action has its consequences, and its a philosophy that shapes our way of life.

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.”

Galations 6:7

What Does Traum Mean?

The name “Traum Homestead” is rooted in our family’s German heritage and the aspirations that have shaped our way of life. “Traum,” the German word for “dream,” embodies the very essence of our journey. It signifies our profound belief that life is a canvas upon which we paint our dreams, and the choices we make are the brushstrokes that transform these dreams into reality.

Our Story

The majority of us were born in suburbia St. Louis, but it never felt like home. So in 2015 we embarked on a journey, leaving behind the only place we knew to find the perfect piece of land for our family to call home. We bought 4 raw wooded acres in the tri-state area of Tennessee, pulled a camper onto the land and have been working ever since to build our dream. One that has been dreamt about since Mary’s childhood – likely the reason St. Louis never felt like home. Although we are now a family of 5, as the oldest son has ventured off into the world of his own choices, the rest of us remain diligently working, learning, growing, and exploring this land that God bestowed upon us.

"A (wo)man’s worth is not measured in possessions but his/her relationship with the land, for it is the faithful steward who finds abundance."

Mary Warren

Why We Do What We Do:

Our path is defined by a singular purpose – to create a sustainable haven for ourselves and our community. At Traum Homestead, we passionately endorse the transformative potential of self-sufficiency and the abundant gifts offered by the earth, crafted by God’s hand. We recognize that nurturing not only the land but also our mental well-being is vital on this unique journey of self-sufficiency.

We understand that the journey of self-sufficiency can be both deeply rewarding and humorously chaotic. It’s a path where the principles of responsible farming, eco-friendly living, homeschooling, and prepping weave seamlessly into the very fabric of our existence.

Our Journey & Purpose

This blog is a reflection of our way of life, a chronicle of our journey, and a resource for like-minded individuals who desire to live by their own convictions. Through our successes, mistakes, and wisdom we have gathered along the way, we hope to inspire and empower others to sow their own seeds of intentional living. 

The name “Traum Homestead” symbolizes our dream of cultivating a sustainable, intentional, and self-sufficient lifestyle, and it’s our privilege to share this journey with you through our blog. 

Join us as we navigate the terrain of off-grid homesteading, glean from the rich tapestry of skills and insights that come from our experiences, both successes and challenges. Together we’ll continue to sow the seeds of a life well-lived, nurtured by God’s guidance and our shared dreams.